Friday, October 12, 2012


Chip has been working at All Saints since before day one, he helped transform the shop into what you see today. Jon Reed, owner of All Saints, and Chip have been working together for over 6 years now - they previously worked at True Boo Tattoo on Red River. Chip's style is all his own - a unique blend of old school ideals and newer school design elements and themes. He works Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday nights and he also works Sunday day and does appointments only on Monday nights. Go here to see his cray cray work:!__chip-telano

And don't ask to see his Oswald tattoo, because he may have to kill you.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


What what!! We got a new tattooer at Ye Olde All Saints!! Hannah Skalsky has just moved to Austin all the way from Fort Worth TX and she has decided to make All Saints her new home.  She is the former co-owner of Royal One Tattoo in Fort Worth and she's been tattooing for about 10 years now which brings the shop average up to 67 years of combined tattoo experience. Damn!! Our experience can get on Medicaid!! Can I get on Medicaid too? I like free health care.

And her work is UH-MAZING you have to check her tattoos out they are unbelievable. Here's a link to her page on the All Saints website:!__hannah-skalsky

She's working sporadically right now as we hammer out a schedule for her but for sure she is working Mondays and Tuesdays and possibly 2 or 3 more days once we figure it all out.  Call the shop to make an appointment with her or just to find out when she's working as she is doing random appointments all throughout the week.  Here's the shop numbah:


And don't hesitate!! She's already getting booked up with her old clientele from the Dallas Forth Worth area who are driving all the way down here just to get tattooed by her, and she's only been working 2 days. Damn!!